1: Introduction
- Introduction
- Practice 1-1: Getting Started
2: Introduction to PL/SQL
- Introduction to PL/SQL
- Practice 2-1: Introduction to PL/SQL
3: Declaring PL/SQL Variables
- Declaring PL/SQL Variables
- The %TYPE Attribute
- Practice 3-1: Declaring PL/SQL Variables
4: Writing Executable Statements
- Writing Executable Statements
- Practice 4-1: Writing Executable Statements
5: Using SQL Statements Within a PL/SQL Block
- Using SQL Statements Within a PL/SQL Block
- Practice 5-1: Using SQL Statements Within a PL/SQL
6: Writing Control Structures
- Writing Control Structures
- Basic Loop: Example
- Practice 6-1: Writing Control Structures
7: Working with Composite Data Types
- Working with Composite Data Types
- Associative Arrays (INDEX BY Tables)
- Practice 7-1: Working with Composite Data Types
8: Using Explicit Cursors
- Using Explicit Cursors
- Cursor FOR Loops
- Practice 8-1: Using Explicit Cursors
- Practice 8-2: Using Explicit Cursors: Optional
9: Handling Exceptions
- Handling Exceptions
- Practice 9-1: Handling Predefined Exceptions
- Practice 9-2: Handling Standard Oracle Server Exceptions
10: Introducing Stored Procedures and Functions
- Introducing Stored Procedures and Functions
- Practice 10-1: Creating and Using Stored Procedures
11: Creating Procedures
Creating Procedures
- Practice 11-1: Creating and Using a New SQL Developer Database Connection
- Practice 11-2: Creating, Compiling, and Calling Procedures
12: Creating Functions
- Creating Functions
- Practice 12-1: Creating Functions
13: Debugging Subprograms
- Debugging Subprograms
- Practice 13-1: Introduction to the SQL Developer Debugger
14: Creating Packages
- Creating Packages
- Practice 14-1: Creating and Using Packages
15: Working with Packages
- Working with Packages
- Practice 15-1: Working with Packages
16: Using Oracle-Supplied Packages in Application Development
- Using Oracle-Supplied Packages in Application Development
- Practice 16-1: Using the UTL_FILE Package
17: Using Dynamic SQL
- Using Dynamic SQL
- Practice 17-1: Using Native Dynamic SQL
18: Creating Triggers
- Creating Triggers
- Practice 18-1: Creating Statement and Row Triggers
19: Creating Compound, DDL, and Event Database Triggers
- Creating Compound, DDL, and Event Database Triggers
- Practice 19-1: Managing Data Integrity Rules and Mutating Table Exceptions
20: Design Considerations for the PL/SQL Code
- Design Considerations for the PL/SQL Code
- Practice 20-1: Using Bulk Binding and Autonomous Transactions
21: Tuning the PL/SQL Compiler
- Tuning the PL/SQL Compiler
- Practice 21-1: Using the PL/SQL Compiler Parameters and Warnings
22: Managing Dependencies
- Managing Dependencies
- Practice 22-1: Managing Dependencies in Your Schema